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Posted on March 8th, by admin in Live Action, Motion, Short Film. No Comments


Almaz is a short film which follows four Russian exiles through a chaotic night of confrontation, revenge – and rebirth. Meditative and abstract, Almaz represents a reflection on the themes of rebirth, identity, and freedom.

Almaz is also an attempt to make a film in a different way, involving the audience from the earliest stages as real creative partners.

We asked seven artists to each create a fragment of a life: Natasha’s Myspace page, Karina’s secret photographs, Marat’s possessions, The Mirror’s triptych, and more.

Next, we invited our audience to visit to view these fragments – and to use that experience to understand our characters.

Finally, we asked our audience to create something of their own to reveal a fundamental truth about a character’s past. It could be a short story, a photograph, a video, an audio recording – anything to bring a new dimension to a life story.

And the submissions that we received had a real effect on the final product – because we ran this experiment before filming began.

These creative efforts changed the script.