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Answered by Vox

Posted on March 30th, by admin in Show. No Comments

Answered: In 60 Seconds from PepRally on Vimeo.

Answered by Vox

Quibi: the second most memorable thing that happened in 2020.

I spent lockdown working on Answered: Vox’s first ever daily show for the Quibi platform. Hosted by Cleo Abram with a design team lead by Michelle Higa and Erica Gorochow, we produced 131 episodes covering COVID-19, science, love, memes, policy, drag, nature, climate and much, much more. One of the top shows on Quibi – and over a million views on YouTube.

My partner Whitney Theis and I concepted, pitched, designed, and animated episodes on everything from biohackers to space vacations. Absolutely a career high point.